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Connect with
the local arts scene
Sign up for our monthly e-mail newsletter, connecting you with Lee’s Summit Creates as well as the artists, arts organizations and arts events happening in and around Lee’s Summit, Mo.
Announce your
artistic presence
Are you an artist ot arts organization? Introduce yourself. Heck, brag about yourself and the creative work you’re making. We want to meet you and we want to see how we can be of service.
the cause
Our donations help support local artists, attract new arts and create new public spaces to ensure the arts remain a vibrant part of the Lee’s Summit community.

A creative community
One of our goals is to inspire every member of the community an opportunity to express their creativity. One of the ways is through our participation in Downtown Lee’s Summit’s Fourth Friday Art Walk Events where Lee’s Summit Creates provides opportunities for members of the community to create collaborative art pieces. Don’t be surprised if you see us setting up similar art opportunities at other events throughout the community.
We like to call them ‘Friendraising’ events
Sure, we have plenty of fundraising events and opportunities. But we also like to make sure we take a little time every year to focus on making new friends and reuniting with old ones. In fact, we kicked off our efforts as local non-profit with the first of our ‘Friendraising’ parties in the alley behind Libations & Co. in downtown LS.